That was the consensus of a panel discussion the included Jerome Laredo of Atex, Rinus Hoebeke of Kodak, Hoda El Kara of Knowledgeview, Pierre Hame of Onevision and Evi Varsou of ATC that provided the suppliers' views on their relationships with publishers.
"The technology is here, we need to get creative on how we can bring value to the newspaper," says Mr Hoebeke, who said suppliers must do more than just sell products – they have to help advise publishers on the value of the new technologies.
Ms El Kara agreed "We do have progressive media, they do want to change but they need advice. They need someone to guide them. We need to guide them and provide services, we have to show them how it will help them make money."
But how can companies whose goal is to sell their products act as consultants to their customers?
"If you're not successful with the technology you have implemented, we are not successful either," said Mr Hame. "We all have the same target. We're in the same boat. I would say to publishers to please come across with fair and clear statements about what you want to achieve."