Hinwil, 15 June 2011 – It’s a busy time in the DNEX Tryckeriet AB production centre near Stockholm. Parallel to daily newspaper production, there’s a change in generation taking place in postpress processing. By the summer 2011, four 45,000 copy MultiSertDrum systems will have replaced six 17-year-old ETR inserting lines to bring to a close a demanding conversion programme lasting several years.
Modernization began in 2005 when the six ETR inserting drums were equipped with MultiDisc/DiscPool and RollStream. On the material logistics side, the connection of older Ferag technology to the latest periphery was enough to bring a noticeable rise in efficiency. Just one of the benefits was a reduction from three down to two presses for the production of the 280,000-copy newspaper Dagens Nyheter, releasing valuable capacity for the production of newly acquired jobs.
In Akalla, the focus is on a highly efficient and economic production operation – also for quarterfold processing. Since April 2011, a StreamFold has been processing freesheets and direct advertising products that had previously been running through two manually operated offline machines. Thanks to its integration into the DiscPool environment, the quarterfold line can be accessed off each folder delivery. While bringing a boost in performance and flexibility, the new components will enable production at a much lower cost.