26.10.11 - The Interview People GmbH (www.theinterviewpeople.com) is happy to present its first corporate publication since the company's founding in 2007. This is the link to the digital version: http://tinyurl.com/5r9u2hl
The publication contains the business model as well asexemplary interviews and articles that are entertaining, informative and timeless. Plus: reading them one can still feel the intensity of the time back when the stories were conducted. These interviews & articles have originally been published by newspapers like The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, Süddeutsche Zeitung and other prestigious and well known media and were afterwards syndicated by The Interview People around the globe. Pictures were supplied from well known image banks that also contribute to www.theinterviewpeople.com.
Michael Karg (Managing Director, The Interview People): "Our team put a lot of effort into this magazine and it was a just in time finish in order to present it to the attendees of the World Newspaper Week in Vienna two weeks ago. The tremendous work completely paid off, the feedback waseven better than we had hoped it would be. Our gratitude goes out to all the content providers, may they be newspaper publishers, magazine publishers, contributing freelancers or image banks - for their faith in the service we provide with our platform but also for allowing us to incorporate them in our first cooperate publication."
Corporate Publication by The Interview People
Corporate Publication by The Interview People
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