28.10.11 - Measurement data for creating ICC profiles often are not perfect and thus are causing unsatisfactory results. The reasons could be erraneous readings from the instrument, misprinted patches or other artefacts (e.g. inhomogeneous prints) resulting in a less than perfect measurement data quality. basICColor IMProve is the perfect tool for optimizing the measurement data and for intelligently averaging multiple data sets. The most important tools are:
Intelligent correction of faulty measurements
Smoothing of measurements
Optical Brightener Correction
TVI correction
White Point editing
Averaging multiple measurement data
You can test-drive basICColor IMProve for free. Just download the installer from our Download Area. If you should have any questions or if you should need assistance our support staff will be happy to help. You can contact them at support@basiccolor.de.
Free profiles for standard printing conditions and test images: www.colormanagement.org