World Association of News Publishers

Naija247News, Nigeria

Naija247News, Nigeria

Article ID:


Naija247News is in the process of developing an entire mobile portfolio, including a mobile website, SMS news alert system, mobile city guide, and a mobile money transactions service. They previously had no mobile services, but are very dedicated to taking this step into the market.


Their goal is to take hold of a larger share of the market and reach new readers, as well as develop a stronger relationship with existing readers. They are also interested in increasing their revenue flow through mobile services, but are not sure of how to profit from the service they will offer.

Godwin has requested editorial and managerial consultation, as well as advice and consultation on marketing and sales.

Nigeria will hold elections in 2015 so Godwin’s aim is to have a functioning mobile service with an established subscriber base by then so that Naija247’s mobile news alerts can assist in electoral monitoring and keeping the public informed in real-time.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2012-12-04 13:19

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Anton Jolkovski's picture

Anton Jolkovski


2011-10-05 16:34