World Association of News Publishers

Hungary - engaging the young then and now

Hungary - engaging the young then and now

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CONTACT: Katalin Havas, secretary general, at mle.havask[at]


Center of Excellence representatives from The Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Germany and Norway attended the induction.Center of Excellence representatives from The Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Germany and Norway attended the induction.


The association co-hosted combined briefings related to digital news content and best practises related to news in education, media literacy and a better understanding of media for both Hungarian new exectuives and members of the WAN-IFRA Youth Engagement advisory committee in April 2015. The briefings followed the association's official induction as a WAN-IFRA Center of Youth Engagement Excellence that was attended several Center representatives (pictured at left above). The session was presided by Katalin Havas, secretary general of the Hungarian association (above far left) and (far right) Gábor Jánossy, head of the association's news in education committee and Tibor Kovács, association president.

Árpád RabÁrpád RabHungarian briefing speakers included Arpád Rab, senior researcher, Óbuda University Digital Culture and Human Technology Knowledge Centre who emphasized that this is the first generation in history that must cope with both learning about a technological innovations and teaching their children about it a point when they have attained nearly complete dissemination.

Adrienne Kaminszky, secretary general of the International Advertising Association, Hungary and founder of Mediasmart Hungary, described the Mediasmart advertising literacy project begun in the U.K. and now used in Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, The Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden.  Teachers receive free materials produced by media literacy experts and financed by advertising agencies. Krisztina Nagy, lawyer, media educator, president of Televele Media Education Association described that association's media literacy work since 2012 with very young children.



 The news in education and youth engagmenet programmes of the Hungarian Publishers Association (Magyar Lapkiadók Egyesülete) began in 2005 as part of a mission to play a key role in encouraging the culture of reading  Activities are directed by an NIE committee and  are self-financed with more and more publishing companies joining through the years. By 2015, more than 40 publishing companies had supported the programmes with more than 80 titles for more than 204.000 participing students. In all, students received  2,.55 million copies of printednewspapers over that first decade, worth nearly 3 million Euro (887 million HUF. Teachers and students continued to prove very open to all new projects – inviting and motivating publishers to be creative


HÍD – (“BRIDGE – Newspaper to students”) HÍD has been the most successful and core activity to the the association's committee of youth engagement. It is a programme to use printed media to support the learning  secondary students (ages 12 to 19). Associaiton members are providing the newspapers and magazines that fit the schools’ goals, and programmes for themes such as: democracy, social studies, economics, nature, comprehension. The programme also provides expertise for how to use the materials. "The increasing number of participants tells us that the pedagogic interest remains strong for this program," explains association general secretary Katalin Havas.

SAJTÓ És NYILVÁNOSSÁG(Press and publicity) is an accredited educational programme covering all high school grades and even post-graduation begun iin 009. Courses can be applied as independent extracurricular subjects or  integrated into the curriculum, either in class or as afternoon courses. The concept fit both education and publisher objectives and has been unanimously supported by the assembly of the association and its member organizations, the teachers of the Newspapers in Education Programme and association elegates. Modules include: 50 years of Hungarian press, public behaviour, press and publicity, developing communication in Hungarian language, the press as a business enterprise

SÉTA – (“WALK – Press and learning”) is  run by regional publishers for secondary students and The program supports the improvement of reading skills and the development of critical thinking skill of the young generation of Hungary. It also involves the offices of regional newspapers where students can visit editorial departments and printing houses and have the possibility of seeing their articles in print. It was first created in 2003 by Pannon Lapok Társasága Publishing Ltd. and won a 2004 WAN-IFRA World Young Reader Prize.

 LADIK – (“BOAT paper to students) is the version of  SÉTA for upper primary school students. The colorful program allows students to take a closer look at newspaper publishing: editing, subscribing and selling activities through creative competitions, in the classroom and through contests that allow them to proudly prove their knowledge. The goal  is helping students in discovering the joy of reading and producing newspapers. "The regional and local newspapers, as in many countries, are very effective in mobilizing the schools and achieving the aims," Havas explains. 

DR. SZABÓ MIKLÓS COMPREHENSION READING CONTEST  - The association now sponsors a national Dr Miklós Szabó Reading Comprehension that in began as a local event at Bibó High School in Kiskunhalas. The contest has became a high profile event supported by the  Ministry of Education, ELTE University as well as the association and its members.

Interview in progress.Interview in progress.YOU ARE THE ONE FOR ME... [TE VAGY AZ ÉN EMBEREM…] INTERVIEW  CONTEST - Inspired by an activity created by the publishers association of Chile, this competition allows pupils to satisfy their curiosity with regard to one inspirational adult by making an interview that can also be published in a newspaper. The association organizes the personal contact and meeting with the given person after a preliminary evaluation of the children's applications and arranges publication by members of  the interviews chosen to happen. In turn, this and the original Chilean version have inspired WAN-IFRA to create a global "My Dream Interview Festival," creating guides in Spanish and English for teaching basic journalistic  inverview techniques. 

DREAM A NEWSPAPER  [ÁLMODJ LAPOT! ] - This activity challenges post-secondary school students imagine what kind of paper would they like to hold in their hands in 2061. They can apply with visual suggestions, and discuss the details of a paper that they would not like to see or read, visions of future can be turned is as well whith the question: Where does the present practise lead ? Applicants can also send in longer essays on young people's newspaper reading habits of all types.

ADULT TRAINING CENTER - The association develops curriculum and accredited training programs for educators involving a 120-hours course and a 30 graduate programs.

WEBSITE ( This is the association's news in education platform with project materials for download and a forum about activities by  teachers and member companies. 


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2015-04-21 17:07

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The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) helps newspapers, parents and teachers work together to engage the young to create a literate, civic-minded new generation of readers all over the world. Read more ...