The joint project by ppi Media and Dainik Jagran was started in February 2015. In a first step, the systems in the publishing houses belonging to Jagran Prakashan Ltd. were set up, followed by a number of training sessions and workshops. After a successful run-up, production of the first ten of over 230 local editions went live. The project partners are, therefore, exactly on schedule.
Both Jagran Prakashan and ppi Media are working full steam to switch to the new workflow at all the other sites during the next few months. Besides producing daily newspapers, Jagran Prakashan is also active in other areas of the media industry. Amongst others, it publishes the daily papers MiD-Day, Nai Dunia, Punjabi Jagran & iNext which will also be produced with ppi Media’s solutions.
A good choice
The key requirements placed on the tools for Jagran Prakashan’s newspaper production workflow were extremely high. They focused mainly on options for working on editorial content and ads simultaneously, coordinating the placement of content and centralizing newspaper planning, and led to the company’s decision to install ppi Media’s planning and production software PlanPag, the ad solutions AdPag and AdMan, as well as ProPag for automated page assembly, DistEl and InLink.
ppi Media GmbH is the leading international workflow specialist for newspaper and magazine publishers as well as printers, corporate publishers, groups and SMEs. Its main focus lies in the development of highly efficient software solutions on a global scale. ppi Media is the market leader in the field of automated newspaper production. 80% of all daily newspapers on the German market are produced using ppi Media products. Many more installations can be found in Asia, Europe, Africa and the USA. A subsidiary of the Evers-Frank Group, ppi Media has its head office in Hamburg and branches in Kiel, Germany, and Chicago, USA. For moreinformation, see
Newspaper giant Dainik Jagran starts production with ppi Media’s solutions on schedule
Newspaper giant Dainik Jagran starts production with ppi Media’s solutions on schedule
Article ID:
India’s most widely read daily newspaper produces its first editions with publishing solutions from Germany
April 21, 2016 – In its quest for a reliable workflow to produce over 230 local editions, the Indian daily Dainik Jagran decided in favor of a number of solutions developed by ppi Media in February 2015. The software has now been installed and, as from March of this year, PlanPag, AdPag and AdMan have gone live at the first production sites in Bareilly and Moradabad.
Example for a local edition produced in Bareilly.
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