World Association of News Publishers

Forging Industry-led Solutions to Improve Gender Balance in the Newsroom

Forging Industry-led Solutions to Improve Gender Balance in the Newsroom

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Under the guidance of the Women in News Steering Committee, WAN-IFRA met with media executives from Botswana, Zambia, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Lebanon and Palestine between January and June 2016, to discuss the most pressing challenges - and critically - potential solutions for media managers and owners to promote gender mainstreaming in both their editorial strategy as well as throughout the organization. 

Media executives meet in Ramallah, Palestine, to discuss gender and media in their newsrooms.

The Roundtable discussions focused on initiatives such as creating gender diversity and sexual harassment policies for the newsroom, as well as the required resources and management sensitisation to help media houses become leaders in diversity within their markets. Inherent in these discussions is the belief that gender diversity is not just good, but good for business.

Those media houses with the best records of success were incorporated into a global case study series: ‘WINning Strategies: Creating Stronger News Organizations by Increasing Gender Diversity’, released in May 2016. In addition to WINning Strategies, resources offered to media executives as part of the Roundtables include a guidebook on establishing a mentoring programme within the organization, a handbook for media manager's to create more gender-aware teams, and, the business case for gender diversity. Roundtables will continue in all 12 WIN markets throughout the remainder of 2016, aiming to engage more than 200 media executives from than 80 media to collectively create an environment that supports conditions for women in media to succeed.


Hedvig Lundstrom's picture

Hedvig Lundstrom


2016-06-22 16:20

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In countless countries, journalists, editors and publishers are physically attacked, imprisoned, censored, suspended or harassed for their work. WAN-IFRA is committed to defending freedom of expression by promoting a free and independent press around the world. Read more ...