The first joint project is the integration between SCS’s Scoop newsroom system with Presteligence’s My News 360 web content management system for digital delivery to web and apps. The two systems seamlessly ‘talk’ to each other in real time so a story’s edits, assets, and tags can be retrieved from any system at any time. This integration eliminates many of the manual tasks newspapers are facing when pushing stories out to web, particularly when their editorial system and website don’t have the means to interact with each other. Both digital-first and print-first models are supported.
As the collaboration proceeds, the companies will work together with new and existing customers to provide full service solutions for ad production, prepress, and digital delivery. The direct communication between SCS and Presteligence will eliminate the need for a newspaper to be the middle-man between multiple vendors.
SCS's strengths are in advertising and newsroom systems, with particular expertise in advertising design, production and pagination. For print production this means SCS systems are used to make page images. SCS's design and pagination technologies are built using advanced labor saving artificial intelligence technology.
Presteligence's My News 360 digitally delivers newspaper content via a responsive website, mobile apps, and e-edition with built in notification platform for breaking news alerts and daily delivery. Other Presteligence tools manage the workflow of images to the press. Their expertise is in page pairing, imposition, ink optimization, preflighting, ripping, etc.
Owners, Bob Behringer and Martha and Richard Cichelli have built a good-standing reputation in the industry as well as mutual respect for each other as they crossed paths throughout their careers.
About SCS:
SCS is a 40 year old independent software developer and value added reseller primarily serving the newspaper business. SCS customers are newspapers, newspaper groups and other businesses with publishing automation needs. While best known for its ad dummying software, Layout-8000™, SCS offers an extensive line of publishing related applications. More than 300 sites producing over 1,000 publications in 18 countries in five languages use SCS mission critical software every day. SCS is privately held by Richard and Martha Cichelli.
About Presteligence:
An industry leading software developer and innovator, Presteligence transforms concepts into cost-effective and revenue generating solutions scaled to fit newspapers of all sizes.
With more than 1100 installations, Presteligence offers a suite of digital solutions including mobile app solutions, web cms, e-edition, and a high school sports platform for scores and stats. Other flagship solutions include prepress production management, ink optimization, e-tearsheets & invoice delivery, color calibrated hard and soft proofing.
These cost-effective and time efficient solutions, combined with the responsive support team make Presteligence a best-in-class partner for media companies.
SCS and Presteligence Announce a Joint Venture
SCS and Presteligence Announce a Joint Venture
Article ID:
Nazareth, PA and North Canton, OH (April 6, 2017) – Presteligence and Software Consulting Services, LLC, are each trusted, successful and long term providers of newspaper prepress systems. We are trying something new together, a collaborative joint venture.
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