Streamline workflows and increase transparency
At the moment, Der Tagesspiegel’s editorial teams work in silos. Each channel has its own system: one for online, another for print, a third for live blogging, etc. “It’s difficult for our editors to be efficient. They’re spending time on tools, not on stories,” says Christian Bigge, Project Manager at Der Tagesspiegel.
Therefore, Bigge and his team went out looking for a single, user-friendly system for all their channels. “We want to be a story-first publishing company. The channels shouldn’t be the focus, the stories should and their relevance for our growing number of readers,” says Farhad Khalil, Chief Digital Officer at Der Tagesspiegel.
CUE gives Der Tagesspiegel a media-neutral environment. All data is organized in a media-neutral way, separately from channel-specific metadata and formatting instructions. As such, the content can be published to any audience, channel, or device at any time.
Innovation and experimentation require flexibility
When it comes to creating new products and services, and reaching new audiences, Der Tagesspiegel has always been at the forefront of innovation amongst German media organizations. It is not a surprise that Der Tagesspiegel is one the few German publishers that actually have growing circulation numbers, according to a recent IVW Distribution Analysis. But this eagerness to experiment with new digital formats and products requires an agile tech stack.
“CUE is extremely flexible and open. It allows us to experiment with the new digital products that we are planning,” Bigge says. He expects the time to market for these new products will be reduced tremendously by the new publishing platform.
Because CUE is an open and headless platform, it gives Der Tagesspiegel some much needed freedom and control over their system. “We want to send minor change and configuration requests to our own developers, not a vendor. And with CUE, we can. Our developers can customize the publishing platform by themselves because of its flexibility,” Bigge concludes.
Learn more about CCI Europe’s CUE in this video, and read our recent press release about another German publisher’s digital transformation here.
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