World Association of News Publishers

New Ebook: 100 Women Raising the Bar for the Native Advertising Industry

New Ebook: 100 Women Raising the Bar for the Native Advertising Industry

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Great native advertising stems from a diversity of voices. But the fact of the matter is, female voices are still underrepresented in the industry. That’s why, in honor of International Women’s Day, the Native Advertising Institute has decided to shine a light on 100 noteworthy females that are moving the industry forward.

Copenhagen, Denmark, 8th March 2019 – The Native Advertising Institute has just released an ebook entitled, 100 Significant Women in Native Advertising 2019 , which features 100 women in the native advertising industry that should be on your radar.

It’s the second year in a row the institute has released the 100 Women ebook with the goal of bringing attention, where it’s due, to the prominent women in the industry, so that we might continue to work toward more industry-wide diversification.

“ My hope is that lists like the '100 Significant Women in Native Advertising' will also be viewed as a 'helping hand'. Event professionals can use the list for inspiration when curating speakers. Fellow female native ad profs may get inspired to start thinking of themselves as role models and find the courage to promote themselves as subject matter experts and thought leaders in their own markets,” says Stine Holmgaard, COO & Partner at the Native Advertising Institute.

Why read the ebook?
● To enrich and diversify your network within
the industry.
● To connect with relevant people on social
media - both the seasoned marketers and
rising stars.
● To find just the right speaker for your
conference with native advertising on the

“The list can serve various purposes for stakeholders related to HR, networking, business collaboration, partnerships, and more. We have a chance and a responsibility to help change the historic misrepresentation of women in advertising and, in particular, in the creative departments,” says Stine and continues:
“There are still glass ceilings to break – let’s break them!”

For further information about the ebook, please contact:

The report is free for download here:

About Native Advertising Institute
The Native Advertising Institute (NAI) is an international educational organization on a mission to help publishers, brands, and agencies become successful with native advertising. NAI runs the world’s largest two-day industry event, Native Advertising Days, which is held every November in Berlin. NAI also conducts global research, publishes several reports on media about native advertising, and organizes the Native Advertising Awards with partners on five continents.




Michael Spinner-Just's picture

Michael Spinner-Just


2019-03-11 14:23