7th Tablet and App Summit
Introduction to Partners
#TAS14 is kindly sponsored by:
Mobile or Print? Mobile and Print, of course! Agfa Graphics offers the best of both worlds. With the emphasis on branding and reading experience, Eversify automates the delivery of newspaper or magazine content to tablets and smartphones in interactive, entertaining mobile editions, day after day.
Website: http://www.agfagraphics.com/content/eversify-me/en.html
PressReader is the global leader in multi-channel, cross-platform content distribution and monetisation, and the chosen partner of more than 4,000 publishers from over 100 countries.
PressReader connects local, national and international newspaper and magazine publishers with readers around the globe and across all platforms including web, iOS, Android, Android for Amazon, Windows 8 and BlackBerry 10. It offers the world’s most engaging reading experience to millions of readers and can be found in over 15,000 libraries, hotels, airlines, corporate and government offices, and aboard cruise ships worldwide, providing publishers with new revenue opportunities and increased global circulation.
PressReader technology, a fully customisable digital publishing solution, helps publishers of all sizes and media types digitise and monetise their content on all devices and platforms. This award-winning solution offers an enhanced digital edition experience with its intelligent multimedia features and functionality.
Email: publishing@pressreader.com
Website: http://about.pressreader.com/ | www.pressreader.com
Protecmedia, through the MILENIUM Cross Media solutions suite, makes available to publishers everything they need to ensure their presence in the digital environment in a fast and effective manner, maintaining a high level of quality and making the most of all resources. The use of a single workflow for all media makes publishing on all digital channels a fast and simple process, thus avoiding the need to duplicate tasks and content.
Protecmedia’s viewers allow the creation of attractive content for tablets, making the most of all audiovisual possibilities that exist, offering readers a new and enriched experience. In addition, it is possible to choose the business model that best suits the needs of each company or publication.
With respect to advertising, Protecmedia also exploits the mobility of tablets, by allowing sales representatives to use them to book advertising or consult any information about their clients in real time.
Protecmedia has also developed MAS, a solution that allows an analysis of audiences according to a wide range of variables obtained from the use made by readers of publications on tablets. MAS makes it possible to obtain very important and specific information about the audience and its behaviour which may be vitally important when taking business decisions.
Website: http://www.protecmedia.com/eng/home
Visiolink is a consultancy and software company that manages digital print media for more than 750 newspaper and magazine titles in Europe. Every month, more than 500 million newspaper and magazine pages are read via Visiolink's solutions for web browsers, tablets and smartphones. Visiolink has thus created a solid foundation for new digital revenuesources for media houses that attract both readers and advertisers in the new digital universes.
Website: http://info.visiolink.com/the-visiolink-team-at-world-publishing-expo-2014-in-amsterdam
Date and Location
14 Oct 2014 - 15 Oct 2014AmsterdamNetherlands
Contact information
Raquel Devís
Programme Producer
| Frankfurt am Main,
Phone: +49 69.240063274
E-Mail: raquel.devis@wan-ifra.org