World Association of News Publishers

Fabio Gusmão

Fabio Gusmão

Digital Editor, Jornal EXTRA, Brazil

Fábio has headed several innovative and award-winning projects as Digital editor of Rio de Janeiro daily Jornal EXTRA.

A year ago, he created a hyperlocal citizen journalism project: a network of citizen journalists via WhatsApp to monitor the news from the streets of Rio de Janeiro. Today, the more than 26000 member strong network not only delivers exclusive and timely content, but also monitors news on social media, immeditaly alerting the newsroom if something news worthy is happening.

He also created Repórter 3G, a project that gave EXTRA's reporters the basic tools to quickly record, edit and send one or two minute videos from the field. The project was extended to students of public schools and then to residents of poor areas of Rio de Janeiro, under the name of "Reporter of Tomorrow".

These projects have  contributed greatly to the strong online and mobile audiences of the newspaper and their high engagement levels. EXTRA's website has 19 million unique visits a month. 

He's has been awarded with major two major Brazilian journalism awards, such as ESSO and Embratel, is founding member of ABRAJI, the Brazilian Investigative Journalism Association and author of the book Dona Vitória da Paz (Planeta/2006). He also heads a strategy and digital innovation firm, Fábio Gusmão Comunicação.

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