Study Tour - WEF - The New NYC Newsrooms
Date and Location
02 Nov 2015 - 05 Nov 2015New York CityUSA
Partner and Sponsors
Sub title
Introduction to Event
Registration closed. For info on future study tours send us an email.
Think of New York media and the grande dame of news organisations, the New York Times comes to mind. But so too do an exciting breed of pure digital news players like Vox,, Elite Daily, Vice News, Quartz, Buzzfeed News, Upworthy, HuffPo. The stakes are high as they compete for their share of audience and attention.
Study Tour - WEF - The New NYC Newsrooms
What is driving these new players and how do they get results?
We will meet face-to-face with key media players in the Big Apple, to discuss
how to best organise a newsroom that focuses more than ever on mobile and social platforms - and how to define the right staff skillsets
how to effectively edit off-platform content: from auto-play video on Facebook, to news on Flipboard or the upcoming Apple News, to the off-page article comments threads that now spring up organically on Facebook, Twitter or reddit
what are the best newsroom tools for checking metrics, following social trends and delivering high quality mobile content
The agenda will be confirmed shortly. In 2014 in New York and Washington (focused on video) we visited: Wall Street Journal / NewsCorp, News Distribution Network, CBS, ESPN, New York Times, Bloomberg, USA Today, Washington Post, Associated Press & Politico
Contact information
Nicole Frankenhauser
Marketing and Programming Lead, Global Advisory
Phone: +49 69240063275