World Association of News Publishers

The New Story ~ Creating the engaging story



The New Story ~ Creating the engaging story

Date and Location

  • 02 Nov 2015 - 03 Nov 2015

Introduction to Event


Newsrooms are in the midst of a massive transformation.  The story is evolving.  No longer is it confined to just one medium nor is it a linear narrative.  But while the way we tell the story changes, the human thirst for a good story will never go away.

This workshop helps journalists explore the new dynamics of digital storytelling without losing sight of the central importance of storytelling.  Participants will look beyond one-way, linear, mono-modal stories to create captivating content that exploits all the web has to offer.  They will gain skills to push their newsroom to the forefront of the digital storytelling revolution.

Course Outlines

  • Identify the core needs of engaging stories in the emerging media ecosystem.
  • Engage readers with multimodal content (audio, video, text, animation, graphics and data) drawing on each mode’s unique set of strengths and weaknesses.
  • Plan content across multiple platforms (desktop, tablet and mobile phone) drawing on each platform’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Explain how to create a story that is non-linear, multimedia and multi-platform.
  • Describe emerging conventions for writing for multiple screens
  • Create a basic audio podcast.

The New Story ~ Creating the engaging story

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