World Association of News Publishers

The Backstory

Technology has revolutionised how we get our news. Data visualisation and multimedia are increasingly used to tell stories, and coding is no longer just for computer scientists. But when it comes to working with digital technology, in most newsrooms men outnumber women. Why are men still dominating this field? And what does it take for women to get ahead?


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2020-09-21 11:13

Insurance is an essential component for any journalist, but many around the globe – especially freelancers – currently work without medical or accident coverage. The ACOS Alliance has partnered with several organisations to promote a handful of plans that offer insurance coverage to anyone, anywhere in the world. WAN-IFRA spoke with Elisabet Cantenys, the Executive Director of the ACOS Alliance, to learn more.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2020-02-24 13:55

What is the cost of keeping yourself safe when you’re a journalist? Journalists, editors and security managers help us start to understand how money can be a safety concern in itself, especially for freelancers who are often left on their own to negotiate budgets and insurance coverage.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2020-01-30 11:48

It is increasingly rare to find instances of direct censorship of media in the world today. But indirect censorship, called soft censorship, is thriving. It manifests itself through government pressure on media groups through advertising decisions and restrictive legislation. Less violent than kidnapping and murdering journalists, it is as existential a threat to journalism.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2018-06-28 08:41

Journalists and news organisations today are seeing a shift in the use of social media, from engagement to propaganda and the spreading of misinformation, or so-called fake news. Facebook and other tech platforms are increasingly under pressure to change how they present information and sort truth from lies. But journalists themselves are also coming up with solutions. This episode looks at their fight to control the narrative of a given story. It’s a fight against propagandists, whether governments or online activists.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2018-05-31 09:03

How do you run an independent media organisation in a country where the government imposes censorship rules? How do you support a successful media company without folding to pressure from your funders or your sponsors? The internet has exploded traditional media funding models. And yet, in some parts of the world, legacy media - even print! - remain a strong source of independent information. How are these companies surviving?


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2018-03-01 09:50

In the first episode of The Backstory, we start with the basics: the threats facing journalists worldwide. Too often, journalists put safety aside to “get” the story; editors don’t anticipate the problems that their reporters or their newsrooms can face. How can journalists be prepared? What should editors think about?


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2018-03-01 09:39

Listen and subscribe to The Backstory, A Media Freedom Podcast from WAN-IFRA.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2018-01-31 11:51

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