World Association of News Publishers

Freedom of expression in Yemen

عام مر منذ بدء الثورة اليمنية في فبراير الماضي، و لكن لازالت الضغوط و التهديدات مستمرة على الصحفيين و العاملين في مجال الاعلام في اليمن.


Ritratto di Farah Wael

Farah Wael


2012-02-10 16:36

Almost a year since the beginning of uprisings in Yemen, death threats and attacks on Yemeni journalists and media personnel are ongoing.


Ritratto di Farah Wael

Farah Wael


2012-02-09 19:17


Ritratto di Andrew Heslop

Andrew Heslop


2011-04-07 17:05

The Yemeni parliament voted on 23 March to implement a 30-day state of emergency, a move that grants significant extra powers to President 'Ali 'Abdullah Saleh's regime to continue its already brutal crackdown against anti-government protesters. The implications for journalists covering the demonstrations are unclear, and their ability to move around freely and safely cannot be guaranteed. In a letter to the President, WAN-IFRA urged free expression organisations to condemn the attacks on journalists and express their serious concern for the state of press freedom and free expression.


Ritratto di Andrew Heslop

Andrew Heslop


2011-04-04 11:50

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