World Association of News Publishers

freedom of expression

Le Groupe d'observation de la Tunisie organisé par l'Échange international de la liberté d'expression (TMG de l'IFEX), coalition de 21 groupes membres de l'IFEX, est vivement préoccupé par l'incertitude qui règne et l'obstruction qui ont conduit l'Instance nationale pour la réforme de l'information et de la communication (INRIC) à mettre fin à son travail.


Ritratto di Andrew Heslop

Andrew Heslop


2012-07-10 00:13

The International Freedom of Expression Exchange Tunisia Monitoring Group (IFEX-TMG), a coalition of 21 IFEX members in which WAN-IFRA plays an active role, is deeply concerned by the prevailing uncertainty and obstruction that have led the National Authority to Reform Information and Communication (INRIC) to end its work.


Ritratto di Andrew Heslop

Andrew Heslop


2012-07-10 00:10


Ritratto di Andrew Heslop

Andrew Heslop


2012-07-02 15:49

Resources that examine freedom of expression in Ukraine.


Ritratto di Andrew Heslop

Andrew Heslop


2012-03-29 17:53

قامت السلطات الماليزية بإعتقال الكاتب و الصحفي السعودي حمزة كشغري و الذي غادر المملكة السعودية عقب شن حملة تتهمه بالكفر على خلفية تعليقاته بخصوص النبي محمد على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي تويتر. المتحدث الرسمي باسم السلطات الماليزية صرح لوكالة رويترز بان الاعتقال جاء كجزء من عملية تحت اشراف الانتربول، و هو ما انكرته الانتربول لاحقا.


Ritratto di Farah Wael

Farah Wael


2012-02-15 16:48

23 year-old Saudi Arabian writer and blogger Hamza Kashgari, who fled the country earlier this week after being accused of blasphemy for Twitter comments he made regarding the Prophet Mohammed, was arrested by Malaysian authorities late yesterday. A police spokesman told Reuters earlier today that his arrest came as part of an Interpol operation involving Malaysian police, a statement later denied by Interpol.


Ritratto di Farah Wael

Farah Wael


2012-02-10 20:04


Ritratto di Hannah Vinter

Hannah Vinter


2011-11-24 14:01

Llamamiento a la acción inmediata para frenar el rápido deterioro de la situación de los medios en Ecuador.


Ritratto di Andrew Heslop

Andrew Heslop


2011-11-11 13:25

L’Association mondiale des journaux et des éditeurs de médias d’information (WAN-IFRA) et le World Editors Forum qui représentent 18 000 publications, 15 000 sites en ligne et plus de 3 000 sociétés dans plus de 120 pays condamnent l’incendie criminel qui a récemment ravagé les locaux de l’hebdomadaire satirique français Charlie Hebdo à la suite de la publication d’un numéro présentant le Prophète Mahomet.


Ritratto di Rodrigo Bonilla

Rodrigo Bonilla


2011-11-08 15:24

The World Association of Newspapers and Newspapers (WAN-IFRA) together with the World Editors Forum, which represent 18,000 publications, 15,000 online sites and over 3,000 companies in more than 120 countries, condemns the recent firebomb attack against the premises of French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo following publication of an issue portraying the Prophet Muhammad.


Ritratto di Andrew Heslop

Andrew Heslop


2011-11-07 20:00

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