World Association of News Publishers

Latin America

Six newspapers in Mexico and Ecuador concluded an exchange program to share experiences and learn about their operations from one other, as part of WAN-IFRA’s Media and Society Programme, funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Ritratto di Andrew Heslop

Andrew Heslop


2017-05-31 10:29

WAN-IFRA’s Strengthening Media and Society programme came to Cartagena, Colombia for three days of workshop training ahead of the 68th World News Media Congress, the global meeting point for the world’s press. 43 media professionals from 18 media companies across Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico participated in training sessions and exchanged professional experiences in digital strategies, editorial leadership and media freedom challenges.


Ritratto di Hedvig Lundstrom

Hedvig Lundstrom


2016-06-20 12:06


Ritratto di Rodrigo Bonilla

Rodrigo Bonilla


2015-04-02 23:33


Ritratto di Rodrigo Bonilla

Rodrigo Bonilla


2015-04-02 17:49


Ritratto di Rodrigo Bonilla

Rodrigo Bonilla


2015-04-02 17:39

The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) will be organizing Digital Media Latinoamérica 2014, the second Latin American edition of its renowned Digital Media conferencesm in Lima, Peru, on 19 and 20 September 2014.


Ritratto di Rodrigo Bonilla

Rodrigo Bonilla


2014-07-03 19:51

When highlighting violence against journalists and impunity in the Americas, countries like Mexico, Honduras, Colombia and Brazil come to mind. But impunity remains a serious problem in Peru as well.


Ritratto di Rodrigo Bonilla

Rodrigo Bonilla


2014-04-24 19:04

Reporters Without Borders and WAN-IFRA have written to French President François Hollande urging him to raise the issue of the safety of journalists and impunity for crimes of violence against media personnel during his two-day official visit to Mexico that begins tomorrow.


Ritratto di Andrew Heslop

Andrew Heslop


2014-04-09 16:28

The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) and the World Editors Forum (WEF) addressed a letter to President Enrique Peña Nieto on Thursday 4 April expressing their "outrage" at the recent armed attack against Adrián López, director of Noroeste, a Sinaloa daily.


Ritratto di Rodrigo Bonilla

Rodrigo Bonilla


2014-04-05 00:19

Press freedom in Mexico faces widespread and growing threats from “soft censorship” that includes government use of financial incentives and penalties to pressure news media, punish critical reporting, and reward favourable coverage, according to a new report released today by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA).


Ritratto di Rodrigo Bonilla

Rodrigo Bonilla


2014-03-25 16:00

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