World Association of News Publishers

The pros and cons of a tailored newspaper

The pros and cons of a tailored newspaper


  • For non-members: 150 EUR
  • For WAN-IFRA members: Free


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Attention non-members: Reports are available for purchase. Please use the contact information at right.


This Special Report is different from our usual approach to a topic. It is not the result of an IFRA research project, it does not contain figures and tables and graphs. The idea to write it came up in the discussions in our Mailroom and Distribution Committee. It soon became clear to us that the "tailored newspaper" concept was not only a technical problem, but a topic with vast implications touching on many market- ing issues and on the very nature of our medium, the printed newspaper. I took it upon me to collect all our ideas around this complicated topic, to bring them into a structured form and to offer this report to our members as an incentive for further discussion. I am most grateful to all the experts in our Committees and in many newspaper and supplier members who have helped me in the process.

IFRA Special Report
Burkhardt, Friedrich W.


Jochen Litzinger's picture

Jochen Litzinger


2001-04-03 01:00

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