World Association of News Publishers

fake news

Verificado 2018, un esfuerzo de periodismo colaborativo en México que busca hacerle frente a las noticias falsas durante el la campaña presidencial.


Andrea Rodriguez's picture

Andrea Rodriguez


2018-03-18 18:21

In the age of digital, the media has had to adapt to the constant changes in how news is published and consumed. Misinformation and disinformation – as many call “fake news” – has become the latest challenge for global media. How do journalists filter through the junk and how do readers know where to find the truth?


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2017-10-30 16:23

In this time of populism and identity politics, there is an ongoing erosion of the confidence placed in essential democratic institutions. Formerly cemented conceptions about democracy and the role of journalism as its watchdog are today being contested. Can democracy and ethical journalism survive in a post-truth era?


Hedvig Lundstrom's picture

Hedvig Lundstrom


2017-04-03 16:02

Líderes internacionales de medios de comunicación señalaron su profunda preocupación por los persistentes ataques del gobierno estadounidense a la prensa al pedir al presidente Donald Trump que cese sus acusaciones de “falsificación informativa” y su discriminación contra ciertos medios.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2017-03-28 01:09

International media leaders have signalled their deep concern with the US administration’s persistent attacks on the press by calling on US President Donald Trump to halt his ‘fake news’ accusations and to ensure White House briefings remain accessible to all media.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2017-03-27 15:17

International media leaders have signalled their deep concern with the US administration’s persistent attacks on the press in a letter addressed to President Donald Trump.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2017-03-27 15:00

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