World Association of News Publishers

Latin America

The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) and the International Press Insitute (IPI) addressed a letter on 22 April 2013, to Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, expressing their concern for alleged threats against a reporter of weekly magazine 'Proceso'.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2013-04-22 16:58

A report released in April 2013 by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) and the International Press Institute (IPI) following their February joint press-freedom mission to Mexico states that the new Mexican federal government must work to fully implement recent institutional measures designed to improve journalist safety.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2013-04-15 14:53

Authorities fail to act as perpetrators of violent attacks on journalists go unpunished.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2013-04-03 17:44

Grupo Clarín, the publisher of Argentina’s most widely read daily newspaper and the largest media conglomerate in the country, once enjoyed a favourable relationship with the government. Now, the two are engaged in a public tussle in which each side claims that the other poses a threat to freedom of expression: the administration of President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner accuses Clarín of having a monopolistic stranglehold over the country’s media, and the news conglomerate charges the government with striving to stifle dissenting voices.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2012-11-25 19:22

The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) and the International Press Institute (IPI) and today demanded that Mexican federal and state authorities immediately investigate the murder of a freelance journalist in the central Mexican state of Puebla on Wednesday.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2012-11-16 18:32

Paris, France, Darmstadt, Germany and Vienna, Austria, July 31, 2012 - As Enrique Peña Nieto prepares to assume the Mexican presidency, his public focus has been on scaling back the drug cartel-related violence in the country. Meanwhile, at least four incidents involving journalists being assaulted, abducted, threatened, or arrested have occurred since Mexico’s July 1 election, continuing the nation’s abysmal record of protecting its journalists and their rights.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2012-07-31 12:06

Paris, France, Darmstadt, Germany, and Vienna, Austria, July 4, 2012 - In light of Mexico’s Presidential elections that took place on July 1, the International Press Institute (IPI) and the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) reiterate their call upon President-elect, Enrique Peña Nieto, to prioritize the safety of journalists and bring an end to the violence and harassment that reporters face throughout the country.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2012-07-04 17:23

The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) and the International Press Institute (IPI) have expressed their grave concern as Venezuela's main private TV channel Globovisión faces the possibility of closure as a result of an exorbitant fine and a freezing of its assets by the Supreme Court.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2012-07-02 13:30

IPI and WAN-IFRA Demand Immediate Clarification of Events and Reiterate Call to Mexican Presidential Candidates


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2012-06-22 15:33

Reacting to yet another journalist killing in Mexico, over 100 human rights organisations and journalists from around the world united in an unprecented move to express their outrage and to call on the Mexican government to put an immediate end to crimes against freedom of expression in the country.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2012-06-19 11:19

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