World Association of News Publishers

Latin America

On 7 October 2012, Venezuelans will decide on whether to re-elect President Hugo Chávez or to allow opposition candidate Henrique Capriles to accede to the country’s supreme function. The campaign period will be one of uncertainty; Capriles has successfully united opposition for the first time in 13 years and become a tough contender for Chávez, whose decreasing public appearances after being diagnosed with cancer a year ago have raised many doubts on his ability to run the campaign and serve a 4th term.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2012-06-18 10:50

Mexican crime reporter Victor Manuel Báez Chino was killed on Thursday morning in Xalapa, the capital of the State of Veracruz. He had been kidnapped on Wednesday evening after he left his office.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2012-06-15 18:26

La Asociación Mundial de Periódicos y Editores de Noticias (WAN-IFRA) publicó hoy, 23 de enero, un informe que ilustra cómo el Gobierno ecuatoriano está “llevando a cabo una sofisticada estrategia de marginalización de toda voz independiente del poder oficial”.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2012-01-23 19:50

The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) published a report today (23 January) that illustrates how the government of Ecuador is carrying out “a sophisticated strategy of marginalising all voices independent of state power”.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2012-01-23 19:44


Hannah Vinter's picture

Hannah Vinter


2011-11-24 14:01

Weekly newspaper Río Doce is a rare success story of independent journalism in one of the world’s most dangerous regions for media professionals. Based in the city of Culiacán, capital of the north western state of Sinaloa, in Mexico, the publication received the 2011 edition of the prestigious Maria Moors Cabot Prizes, awarded by the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, in recognition for the most outstanding reporting on Latin America and the Caribbean. WAN-IFRA interviewed Mr. Ismael Bojorquez Perea, one of the founders and current director of Río Doce.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2011-11-16 16:14

Río Doce constituye un ejemplo poco común de periodismo independiente exitoso en una de las regiones más peligrosas del mundo para los profesionales de los medios. Con sede en Culiacán, capital de Sinaloa, el semanario mexicano recibió este año el prestigioso premio Maria Moors Cabot, otorgado por la Escuela de Periodismo de la Universidad de Columbia, a periodistas y medios que hacen prueba de excelencia periódistica en América Latina y el Caríbe. WAN-IFRA entrevistó a Ismael Bojorquez Perea, uno de los fundadores y actual director de Río Doce.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2011-11-14 19:06

Der Weltverband der Zeitungen und Nachrichtenmedien (WAN-IFRA) hat nach Abschluss eines 5-tägigen Besuchs in Ecuador eine „zunehmende Polarisierung sowie ein Klima der Feindseligkeit unter den Medienmitarbeitern sowie innerhalb der Gesellschaft insgesamt“ festgestellt.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2011-11-14 10:51

The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) has concluded a five-day mission to Ecuador, where it found “an increasing polarization and climate of hostility amongst media professionals and amongst society as a whole”.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2011-11-04 17:21

La Asociación Mundial de Periódicos y Editores de Noticias (WAN-IFRA) y el World Editors Forum (WEF) han exigido la inmediata investigación del asesinato de la periodista mexicana María Elizabeth Macías, y han pedido al presidente Felipe Calderón que haga cuanto esté en sus manos para poner fin al clima de impunidad que envuelve la violencia ejercida contra los periodistas del país.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2011-09-28 12:22

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