World Association of News Publishers

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  • 2019-05-23 10:14
    Würzburg, 22 May 2019 – In addition to details of the group’s good business performance in 2018, in which it achieved the highest EBIT in its 201-year history, the highlights of the annual general meeting held at the Vogel Convention Center (VCC) in Würzburg touched on numerous innovations, the Koenig & Bauer 4.0 digitisation concept and the group’s business targets. On the strength of the good order and project situation ensuring full capacity utilisation across the entire group as well as the further progress made in the group projects targeted at service business and cutting costs, the management board is confident to achieve organic growth of around 4% in revenue and an EBIT margin of around 6% in 2019 in the group. This factors in the margin impact of the growth offensive 2023 to which management is attaching high priority. With all initiatives and projects, the management board is aiming to increase group revenue to around €1.5bn with an EBIT margin of between 7% and 10% until 2023. Read more ...
  • 2019-05-22 12:31
    Kinna, May 22, 2019 – The V-TAB group with headquarters in Göteborg, Sweden, is a major player for printed media in Nordic countries. With Newspapers, Inserts, Magazines and other Commercial products and a total of four coldest printing plants across in the south of Sweden, newspaper production is their largest business. Read more ...
  • 2019-05-17 09:15
    Regensburg, 16. Mai 2019 – Als neuer CEO “Digital Excellence” stürmt Matthew Ulbrich (44) ab sofort an der Seite von Tickaroo-Gründerin Naomi Owusu. Gemeinsam ziehen beide nun die Fäden in der Geschäftsführung des Live-Content-Spezialisten. Owusu forciert als CEO “Scale” weiterhin das strategische Unternehmenswachstum sowie den Bereich Partnerschaften. Dass Ulbrich auch in neuer CEO-Position das digitale Spielfeld der Medien kennt und beherrscht, zeigte sich bereits in der Vergangenheit. Er soll nun in vorderster Front vor allem den Digital Excellence-Ansatz verstärkt vorantreiben. Read more ...
  • 2019-05-16 13:11
    Oosterhout, 16 May 2019 – Effective immediately, The Siebold Company (TSC) is the authorised agency of QIPC-EAE in the United States, the Caribbean and Canada. The Dutch specialist for color control and registration equipment for the printing industry praises the technical knowledge of the new partner. TSC in turn is full of praise for QIPC's state-of-the-art and register control systems and EAE's press control systems. Read more ...
  • 2019-05-16 12:36
    Würzburg, 16. May 2019 – New subassembly control systems and components for a Cortina press at the French print centre of L´Imprimerie: The print centre operates two 6/2 Cortina presses which have now been in production for almost 10 years ago. “We print 1,000,000 copies a day, and this retrofit guarantees the necessary production certainty,” says L´Imprimerie plant manager Gilles Dechamps. New software representing the latest state of the art has already been installed on three of the ten printing towers. Two further printing towers are to be brought up to date with the new software and associated components later in the year. Read more ...

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  • The newspaper industry is under pressure globally. While in the West, decline of the newspaper has been rapid, in the East, newspapers will probably survive for longer. However, there are several pressures on the newspaper industry in the East as well – competition from digital readership, increasing input costs, reducing advertising spends, and so on. In such a scenario, it is important for newspaper industry players to collaborate to improve internal operational efficiencies across the industry. Through such an effort the overall industry will stand to benefit. With this objective in mind, an industry-wide benchmarking exercise was carried out to identify specific improvement opportunities across players. The result has been extremely encouraging. This report details out the methodology and findings of this benchmarking exercise.
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