World Association of News Publishers

World Publishing Expo 2015


World Publishing Expo 2015


World Publishing Expo 2015, Hamburg Messe, 5-7 October 2015


Monday, 5. October 2015

  • 10:30
    Media Port Hall A4

    This media port session on “Benchmarking production quality” gives an introduction about the ISO 12647-3 standard, implementation steps and ways to maintain the implementation. The session will also touch upon WAN-IFRA’s INCQC and how the competition can be used to benchmark production quality. The session also feature presentations from suppliers, who specialise in products related to quality control and quality improvement.

    Process Analyzer - efficient value added chain through analysis instead of gut feeling! Mareike Jovanovic-Poppen Freiburger Druck powered by Koenig & Bauer

    Research Engineer, WAN-IFRA, India

    Quality Manager at Freiburger Druck GmbH & Co. KG

  • 12:30
    Media Port Hall A4

    Customer relationship management is crucial not only for the conventional advertising business of news media companies but also for developing new revenue opportunities. Without deep knowledge of existing customer habits and new customer expectations, media companies are in risk to lose market share and revenue potential to (new) competitors. Choosing the right CRM system is therefore more than just an IT decision but the result of a process that includes business model analysis and organizational measures as well.

    Case Studies / Elevator Pitch

    Cloud based ticketing aggregation software, your gateway to the entertainment industry. Bart Mols, Director at Ticketsplus.

    Christoph Hüning, Partner, SCHICKLER

    Director at Ticketsplus

  • 14:15
    Media Port Hall A4

    Learn how inkjet digital printing can be used to create new revenue in niche markets and in commercial print services. Also the question arises under which conditions high-speed industrial web-inkjet can replace conventional coldset printing.

    WAN-IFRA Deputy CEO, Germany

  • 16:00
    Media Port Hall A4

    Everyone’s heard it: “Newspapers have lost their classifieds to the big verticals and free-classified sites.” But is it true? Is the classified advertising business lost to newspapers forever? What can your newspaper company do to make sure you’re in the business of recruitment advertising / auto advertising / property advertising for the long term?

    Principal, MD, Advanced Interactive Media Group LLC

Tuesday, 6. October 2015

  • 10:00
    Media Port Hall A4

    The publishing, and with it, the printing industry are currently undergoing a fundamental transformation. While digitalisation drives change, publishing companies focus on constantly increasing their productivity over the „traditional“ value chain. Key questions in this regard are how to spot productivity levers and how to quantify their potential. SCHICKLER developed over the last 10 years a deeply routed benchmarking system to answer these questions in a very systematic way. The underlying database is constanty being fed from dozens of relevant projects in the international publishing industry. Due to the fact, that the underlying structures and workflows are known to the consultants, SCHICKLER is able to describe the levers behind each benchmark. Alexander Kahlmann, partner and key benchmarking expert at SCHICKLER will provide key insights into the findings from some of the most recent projects involving productivity gains through application of benchmarking instruments. He will cover aspects of the operations as well as other areas of the publishing value chain.

    Case Studies

    Process Analyzer - efficient value added chain through analysis instead of gut feeling! Mareike Jovanovic-Poppen Freiburger Druck powered by Koenig & Bauer

    Boosting Productivity. Eric Elyn, Coldset Printing Partners, powered by Q.I. Press Controls.

    1.5 Million newspaper copies produced in the cloud: How the Berliner Woche introduced Gogol Publishing's editorial system. Bodo Krause, Publishing Director at Berliner Woche, powered by Gogol Publishing.

    Alexander Kahlmann, Managing Partner, SCHICKLER

    Quality Manager at Freiburger Druck GmbH & Co. KG

    Director of Operations, Coldset Printing Partners, Belgium

    Publishing Director, Berliner Woche

  • 12:00
    Media Port Hall A4

    Newspaper printers are looking for sustainable business models that can reduce their dependence from just one publisher. Different models are applied in different regions of the globe, among them the concepts of profit centre, joint venture, independent company, using an external operator, online printer, outsourcing remote printing etc. 

    There are several ways of countering the falling circulations and profits of newspaper printers. This learning seminar will focus on Solutions including: investments in new equipment, cooperations and consolidation, or a slower step-by-step innovation process - depending on the market situation, logistical backgrounds and the current workflow surroundings.

    Founder, Sirach Consulting, Germany

  • 14:00
    Media Port Hall A4

    Building a strong digital newsgathering and verification strategy:

    With much of the content now passing through newsrooms coming from digital sources, it is essential that organisations devise strong newsgathering processes and standards for dealing with it.

    Monitoring, communication and an understanding of the latest platforms and digital tools are essential, but so is understanding on how to keep the content coming in. As we rely more and more on user-generated content and social media, newsrooms must know how to verify this content quickly, accurately and ethically. If we turn off our audience or those content contributors then they might just stop sharing with us in the first place.

    Fergus Bell will be presenting the concepts that all newsroom leaders must be thinking about when newsgathering in the digital age as well as the ethical considerations for making this work sustainable.

    Case Studies / Elevator Pitches

    Content Strategies in a Digital Age. Simon Fry, Mobile Product Manager
    at Independent Newspapers, powered by PageSuite Group.

    Out of Digital Content: How editors can find exclusive Quotes, Experts and Examples. Martin Fiedler, Co-Founder and Managing Director at Recherche-Scout GmbH.

    News aggregation and verifications tools with newsasset Cloud solution. Evi Varsou, Director Media & CMS, ATC.

    UGC and digital news gathering expert, UK

    Mobile Product Manager, Independent Newspapers – owners of the London Evening Standard, The I & The Independent

    Co-Founder and Managing Director, Recherche-Scout GmbH

    Director, Media & CMS

  • 16:00
    Media Port Hall A4

    Lifetime extension of existing production equipment can be critical when you have to optimise your cost structure. What are the requirements for a successful retrofit, what is at all possible and how far should you go? In order to answer this questions the presentation will cover the following topics:
    · Setting a production strategy for the next years

    · Evaluate existing equipment and efficiency of the current production

    · Determine gap between current and up-to date equipment

    · Evaluate the possibilities:

    o New equipment

    o Partial of full retrofit of press/mailroom

    o Functional upgrade

    o Cooperation’s

    o Mixtures

    · Planning a retrofit project:

    o Retrofit aims

    o Selecting the right supplier(s)

    o Retrofit extend

    o Ongoing production

    o Staff (involvement, training, etc.)

    o Project management

    Case Studies

    Service-Data Glasses - cost and time saving via augmented reality! Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rigo Herold Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau powered by Koenig & Bauer

    Senior Consultant, Kirchner + Robrecht management consultants GmbH

Wednesday, 7. October 2015