World Publishing Expo 2015
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Wednesday, 7. October 2015
9:30Media Port, Hall A1
From magazine to network
The digital future of magazine impulse with Content-XVom Magazin zum Netzwerk
Die digitale Zukunft beim impulse-Magazin mit Content-XOle Jendis, Verlagsleitung Impulse Medien GmbH
Eva Weikert, CvD Impulse Medien GmbH
Jan Kasten, Geschäftsleitung ppi Media -
10:00Media Port Hall A1
Opening keynotes from representatives of the MID cooperation partners WAN-IFRA and Hamburg Media School
10:35Media Port Hall A1
10:50Media Port Hall A1
11:05Media Port Hall A1
11:40Media Port Hall A1
Her multimedia project on anorexia objects the actual trend of reporting on eating disorder, nominated for “Grimme Online Award 2015”
11:50Media Port Hall A1
12:00Media Port Hall A1
12:10Media Port Hall A1
12:20Media Port Hall A1
Combining digital storytelling, science and entrepreneurship, nominated for “Grimme Online Award 2015”
12:25Departure by bus from Hamburg fairground
Visit Impulse Medien
Economy Magazine, Hamburg, Content-X in operation
Verlag Impulse Medien, Hamburg, Content-X in der Praxis
Please pre-register here, Anmeldung: Bus transfer to Impulse Media, Busfahrt zu Impulse-Medien
13:00 Lunch snacks, Sandwich-Lunch
13:30 Impulse presentation, Präsentation Impulse Medien
13:45 Questions & answers, Fragen & Antworten
14:30 Bus transfer back to Expo, Busfahrt zurück zur Expo
15:00 Arrival at World Publishing Expo, Ankunft bei der ExpoInformation and registration here.
Information und Anmeldung hier.Impulse
Gruner + Jahr founded the economy magazine in 1980. Today it is a network of more than 45,000 members. Since a management buyout begin of 2013 Impulse Medien is completely independent with 40 employees. The magazine reaches 126,000 decision makers with a circulation of 73,934.Besides the monthly magazine (print and digital) impulse offers meetings, trips, inspiring ideas, business contacts, seminars, workshops and conferences. In 2015 they launched impulse academy.
1980 gegründet als Unternehmermagazin von Gruner + Jahr, ist heute ein Netzwerk mit mehr als 45 000 Mitgliedern. Seit einem Management-Buyout Anfang 2013 ist die Impulse Medien GmbH völlig unabhängig und beschäftigt 40 Mitarbeiter. Das Magazin erreicht 126 000 Entscheider mit einer Auflage von 73 934.
Neben dem Monatsmagazin (gedruckt und digital) bietet impulse Netzwerktreffen, Tipps, inspirierende Ideen, Geschäftskontakte, Seminare, Workshops und Konferenzen. 2015 startete die impulse-Akademie. Mehr Information hier.Content-X
ppi Media develops the editorial system for multimedia publishing since 2010 based on the content management system DC-X and Adobe InDesign.Its ease of implementation and high flexibility regarding editorial workflow scenarios explains the international success of Content-X. Impulse Medien uses Content-X as SaaS. Content-X, a “native digital solution”, meets the editorial requirements of a magazine publisher. It also offers all options for the digital future.
Das Redaktionssystem für multimediales Publizieren wird seit 2010 von der ppi Media GmbH basierend auf dem Content-Management System DC-X und Adobe InDesign entwickelt.
Der internationale Markterfolg von Content-X erklärt sich durch die einfache Systemeinführung bei gleichzeitig hoher Flexibilität in Bezug auf redaktionelle Workflow-Szenarien. Content-X wird von der Impulse Medien GmbH als SaaS genutzt. Als „native digital solution“ erfüllt Content-X die redaktionellen Anforderungen eines Magazin-Verlages und bietet darüber hinaus alle Möglichkeiten für die digitale Zukunft. -
12:30Media Port Hall A1
13:40Media Port Hall A1
Hyperlocal is not a term, but a trend in journalism and news media that revolves around one belief: "People will only be driven to consume and pay for content that is highly relevant, and that is mainly local content." (Antonella Mei-Pochtler, Boston Consulting Group). Consequently the future of news media is seen in targeting small communities and deliver content of their immediate vicinity in real-time.
The relevance of news for residents and business owners can be determined on two dimensions: time and geography. The closer to these dimensions, the more relevant (and less manageable for mass media) it becomes. Beyond the still untested hope that local content is the only content people will be paying for – it has also left a blank spot on what locality actually means. In times of social media conversations mediated by a diverse range of mobile devices to geographically faraway places. "Proximity" does not necessarily converge with "geography" or "time".
Social proximity might be an even more important driver for perceived relevance. Kai von Luck (HAW) will discuss with panelists what might be on the horizon beyond hyperlocal defined as media for a small geographic area.
Susanne Draheim, Sociologist
Martin Kohler, Urban Researcher
Matthias Müller-Prove, User Experience Principal
Stefan Wölwer, Interaction Design -
15:25Media Port Hall A1
Presented by WAN-IFRA Global Alliance for Media Innovation (GAMI)
Media Innovation DayRecent technological advancements have led to exciting new ways of telling stories. Specifically, the ubiquity of the Internet and advances in displays, mobile devices and sensor technologies has made it possible to create highly immersive virtual and augmented realities. Displays, such as immersive 3D goggles, augmented reality glasses, and light field projectors, make it possible to merge virtual and real world media. This panel will discuss the opportunities and challenges involved in immersive as well as “fragmented storytelling”, (also known as “transmedia storytelling”) where a story is scattered across different media and devices.
Andrew Perkis, Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NorwaySpeakers:
Deniz Ergürel, R&D Director, Zaman Media Group, Turkey
Mel Slater, ICREA Research Professor, University of Barcelona, Spain
Niko Chauls, Director Applied Technology, Gannett, USA
Louis Jebb, Founder and Chief Executive, Immersivly Ltd, UK
Date and Location
05 Oct 2015 - 07 Oct 2015HamburgGermany