World Association of News Publishers

EXTRA 06.2011: Semi-commercial in fashion

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EXTRA 06.2011: Semi-commercial in fashion

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Summaries of articles published in WAN-IFRA Magazine EXTRA 06.2011. Click headlines to read full articles in the ePaper edition.

Quality offensive in newspaper printing

Drops in circulations and page counts are forcing newspaper printing operations to seek new approaches to be able to work in a cost-efficient way, especially for the long term. And increasingly, this means expanding their portfolio, offering higher-quality print products that not only benefit their clients but also the newspaper itself.

A front-row seat

Offsetdruckerei Ahrensburg in Germany – an operation that has been successful for many years in the semi-commercial sector – enjoys its deserved reputation for being a trendsetter in technical innovations. In this interview, Thomas Drensek talks about customer orientation, innovation partnerships and business prospects in a new market segment.

Which press technology fits the bill?

There are pluses and minuses to every technology approach when it comes to semi-commercial printing, whether that means integrating added-value features on top of your pure coldset printing process, such as higher grades of newsprint, trimming, stitching, etc., or going allout and investing in hot-air dryers or UV systems. More than likely, the market will dictate your technology choice.

Product design in the press

Whatever is exceptional gets noticed: whether it is fold-out pages, an integrated booklet or fold-over edges – it gives the reader something to discover. Rewarding the curiosity of the reader with a surprise guarantees a high recall factor on his or her part. The important aspect here is to match up the ad and the format as best as possible.

Finishing touches can pay big dividends

The chances of attracting orders from a higher quality segment are much increased if greater added value can be offered through finishing. Thus smaller additional investments can pay off within a short time.

Runability of higher-quality paper grades

In a current research project, Fogra is examining the possibilities of using higher-quality paper grades on newspaper presses.


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Gordon Steiger


2011-05-23 07:57

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