World Printers Forum
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After the evaluation of the results of the International Color Quality Club 2020–2022 (ICQC) competition for newspapers and magazines, eligible new members are joining the WAN-IFRA Star Club of elite printers.
World Printers Forum
The World Printers Forum (WPF) is an organisation of newspaper printers and suppliers within WAN-IFRA. Its objective is to encourage innovation and productivity as well as product development that can be instrumental for publishers to exploit future oriented news media products. It promotes the power of print and the sustainability of print production.
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2016-08-16 10:35Regensburg, 16.08.2016 – To what extent can the production workflow at a printing company be automated? How can production throughput be increased while at the same time increasing the quality of print data? What measures need to be taken to make printing processes more efficient? How did the US-based printing company Ripon Printers manage to cut its prepress workforce and yet continue growing as a company? Answers to these questions and more can be found in the best-practice example provided by Ripon Printers, a company whose roots lie in newspaper printing but which has since developed into a major printing company in the US. Read more ...
2016-08-11 09:3011.08.2016 – Alongside a successful Drupa trade show, the second quarter of 2016 for the Koenig & Bauer Group (KBA) was characterised by strong order figures, revenue and earnings. At €352.5m group order intake from April to June was up 17.2% year-on-year, although the group’s figures for this quarter only contain around a third of orders placed at the trade show which were in the triple-digit million euro range. The catch-up effect will ensure additional stimulus in the second half-year as KBA traditionally only books orders that are fully documented and financially secure. Read more ...
2016-08-10 09:3709.08.2016 – KBA Digital & Web boosts its service push at Drupa with data glasses (KBA AR-DataGlass) and many other new offers. The KBA Augmented Reality Service unites the real and virtual world. KBA specialists can see exactly what the technicians are doing on-site in real time with AR-DataGlass. Intervention times are significantly reduced and there are no communication problems through bad phone connections. A raft of web printers value this option to receive help quickly and cost-efficiently when it comes to potential press errors. Read more ...
2016-08-09 13:34August 9, 2016 – Two strong partners in the metal processing industry are looking forward to their new cooperation on the premises of manroland web systems. The paint shop, which was previously run in-house, was taken over by the Dorrer & Englmeier coating centre on 1st July 2016. Read more ...
2016-08-09 12:51Vreden, 9. August 2016 – Feinstaub in der Produktion einwandfrei nachweisen: Mit dem neuen Luftüberwachungssystem AirWatch kontrollieren Unternehmen effektiv die Qualität ihrer Hallenluft. Die Sensortechnik der Kemper GmbH ist in der Lage, die Anzahl und das Gewicht von Nanopartikeln zu ermitteln, zu dokumentieren, auf Smartphone, Tablet oder PC auszuwerten und mit Grenzwerten abzugleichen. Eine Ampelanzeige visualisiert permanent die Beschaffenheit der Luftqualität. Das System eignet sich für jegliche Arbeitsplätze in Produktionsstätten sowie Lager- und Logistikhallen. Kemper will mit AirWatch das Bewusstsein für die Gefahren hinter Feinstaub schärfen. Read more ...
2016-08-09 09:52Wexham Springs, UK, 5 August 2016 – Sun Chemical has announced its intention to acquire Flint Group’s European Publication Gravure Ink Business. Read more ...
2016-08-08 10:33Sassenberg, Germany, 5 August 2016 – technotrans AG remains on growth course in spite of the challenging economic framework conditions. In particular the positive development in the print industry and the perspective markets contributed to the positive business development in the first half of the year. Turnover in the reporting period increased by 5.3 percent to EUR 63.6 M, while the operative profit (EBIT) remained at the previous year's level of EUR 4.4 M. The Board of Management of technotrans AG at the same time affirmed the forecast for the current financial year. Read more ...
2016-08-03 09:39Regensburg/Singapore, 03.08.2016 – With immediate effect, industry insider and print expert Tim Klappe has assumed overall responsibility for the APAC sales office of the German manufacturer for printing software. He now plans to establish the software company as the leading provider of software solutions for the print industry, publishers and media companies in and around Asia and Australia. Read more ...
2016-08-01 09:57(PresseBox) (Berlin, 29.07.2016) – Die neue DIN SPEC 55700 „Papier und Faserstoff – Prüfung der Deinkbarkeit für bedruckte Papierprodukte“ legt ein grundlegendes Prüfverfahren im Labormaßstab zur Deinkbarkeit von bedruckten Papierprodukten aller Art mittels alkalischem, einstufigem Flotationsdeinking fest. Eine Arbeitsgruppe unter Federführung der INGEDE erarbeitete den Standard in nur fünf Monaten auf der Basis langjähriger Erfahrung mit in Labors und in der Industrie verwendeten Testmethoden. Read more ...
2016-07-29 09:2328/07/2016 – As the world of communication continually shifts towards digital, many consumers are being given a message that this is better for the environment. This latest Two Sides survey provides an insight into how consumers view these initiatives, including the environmental impacts of digital versus paper-based communications, and how they perceive and use paper in their daily lives. Read more ...
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The current widespread interest in digital publishing does not mean the possibilities of print have been exhausted – far from it, according to the three speakers at Monday morning's Print World session on the Power of Print Innovation.
Published in Business Print Production World Publishing Expo Blog by Anton Jolkovski on 2016-10-10 15:05
While our industry has been absorbed with going digital over recent years, many legacy newspapers have renewed their print products to meet changing audiences' needs and expectations about newspapers.
Published in Digital Media Editor's Weblog Print Production by Ingrid Cobben on 2016-09-20 11:06
The trend toward consolidation of newspaper printing centres is slowly coming to a halt, says consultant Sabine Sirach. After all, for printed daily newspapers, there are physical limitations to the distribution distances that can be covered while still being up-to-date and relevant.
Published in Print Production World Publishing Expo Blog by Brian Veseling on 2016-09-08 15:54
"The print industry – suppliers and users alike – must continue to adjust its approach and follow the example of classic industrial branches in order to remain fit for the future," says Robert Heitzer.
Published in Print Production World Publishing Expo Blog by Brian Veseling on 2016-09-07 14:13
Print publishers should use graphic design in addition to other tools to improve sustainability, asserts Pedro Matos, a design...
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Related Microsites
Since 2005, WAN-IFRA has certified several newspaper printing plants based on ISO 12647-3. Use the certification to improve production workflows, quality level, staff know-how, and market position.
The International Color Quality Club is the only worldwide printing quality competition for newspapers and magazines. Its goal is to improve the quality of reproduction and printing in production, while also increasing competitiveness as well as training and motivating all personnel.
The Materials Management Database project was launched as a spinoff of the Newsprint and Newsink Guide. Today it is used by printers, pressroom foremen and technical management as an information source for facts and advice for dealing with the materials used in producing newspapers. Among other informaton you find the specification of the WAN-IFRA Bar Code for paper reels in this online database. Most of the entries in the database originate from the members of the Material Management Committee; some come from outside sources (as marked), after review and approval by the committee. This database is continually being updated and expanded. New entries will be marked with a label in red type.
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