World Association of News Publishers

Media Port 2012



Media Port 2012

Datum und Ort

  • 29 Okt 2012 - 31 Okt 2012

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Introduction to Event

Der Media Port ist die zentrale Präsentationsplattform für Fallstudien, Technologietrends und erfolgreiche Beispiele aus der ganzen Welt.

Alle Präsentationen werden simultan gedolmetscht (Englisch/Deutsch).

Die Teilnahme an den Sessions ist für Besucher und Aussteller der World Publishing Expo (IFRA Expo & Conference) kostenfrei.


  • Alex Palomo
    IT Director, UNEDISA Group, Spain


  • Alessandro Vento
    CEO, D-Share, Italy
  • Alex Palomo
    IT Director, UNEDISA Group, Spain
  • Andreas Kemper
    Senior Editor, Main-Post, Germany
  • Beatrix Beckmann
    Research Manager Materials, WAN-IFRA, Germany

    Beatrix Beckmann graduated with an engineering degree from the Technical University Chemnitz...

  • Beatrix Gutmann
    Head of Community and Social Media, WVW-Westdeutsche Verlags- und Werbegesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Germany
  • Bernhard Leicht
    Managing Director, Valecom AG (WRH Marketing Group),Switzerland
  • Carsten Szameitat
    Marketing and Content Partner, M-Days, Germany

    Carsten Szameitat is founder of M-Days - Trade Exhibition and Congress for Mobile Business....

  • Cherilyn Ireton
    Executive Director World Editors Forum, WAN-IFRA

    Cherilyn Ireton heads up the World Editors Forum, the global network for editors within...

  • Christof Zahneissen
    Chief Product Officer, eZ Systems, Norway
  • Danny Lein
    CEO, Twipe, Belgium

    Danny Lein is the founder and CEO of Twipe. Twipe offers an innovative digital ...

  • Dirk Cloos
    Grape Media Design, Germany
  • Dirk le Roux
    Managing Director Afrozaar / Baobab Architect, South Africa

    Dirk is a South African tech entrepreneur who has been involved in launching start-ups...

  • Dirk W. Weipert
    Managing Director, TheMediaLab GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
  • Dr. Petrus Pennanen
    CEO, Leiki Ltd., Finland
  • Eric Siereveld
    Vice President, Scoopshot, Finland
  • Guy Amos
    CEO and Founder of U:Market Mobile Ltd., Israel
  • Havard Angen Rye
    Head of the Development department, Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, Norway
  • Ioana Sträter
    Executive Director Publishing & Advertising, WAN-IFRA, Germany
  • Johan Mortelmans
    Digital Innovation Manager, Corelio Publishing, Belgium
  • Johanna Waltersson
    Product Manager Digital Media, Skånemedia, Sweden
  • José Maria Moreno
    Managing Director WAN-IFRA Ibérica, Spain
  • Jussi Pekkarinen
    Quality Manager, Alma Manu Oy, Finland

    He works for Alma Manu Ltd which  is the printing and distribution company of Alma Media...

  • Kaj Ritala
    Product Manager for Digital Media, HBL-Hufvudstadsbladet, Finland
  • Kristina Bürén
    Research Director WAN-IFRA & Managing Director, WAN-IFRA Nordic, Sweden
  • Lotta Holm
    Research & Development, KSF Media, Finland

    Lotta Holm has worked with media coupled with research since the mid-1990s. Currently, she works...

  • Meinolf Ellers
    Managing Director, dpa infocom, Germany

    Meinolf Ellers has been working for dpa since 1985 and is currently Managing Director of the...

  • Michael Mendoza
    CEO, Lineup Systems, United Kingdom
  • Michael Paulus
    Head of Graphic Services, Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH, Germany
  • Mirco Striewski
    Head of Media-Services, WAZ Media Group, Germany
  • Nicolas Pöschl
    Partner, Sensix GmbH, Germany
  • Niko Ruokosuo
    Founder, Abi Media Network, Finland

    Niko Ruokosuo is the Chief Executive Officer of Scoopshot, the disruptive photo crowd-sourcing...

  • Nils von Heijne
    Pronto Communication, Creative Director, Sweden
    Nils von Heijne is the creative director and partner at one of Europe's leading digital...
  • Norbert Täubl
    Technical Director/Partner, Stopp Production GmbH, Austria
  • Ole Olsen
    CEO, Digital Collections, Germany
  • Paul Huybrechts
    Managing Director, Coldset Printing Partners, Belgium
  • Pedro Madrid
    Corporate Pre-Sales Director, Protecmedia, Germany

    Qualified in IT Computer Science at Universidad Politécnica of Madrid. He started to work in...

  • Pierre Spilleboudt
    Business technology advisor, Rossel Group, Belgium
  • Richard Cheary
    Director Afrozaar, South Africa

    Rich Cheary started his career at Hemisphere Technologies as a Java developer in 2000. He...

  • Rüdiger Hoebel
    Deputy Director Publishing Print, Augsburger Allgemeine, Germany
  • Samer Sabri Abdel Qader
    Director Digital & Prepress, Masar Printing & Publishing, Dubai U.A.E.

    Masar is one of the biggest modern high-tech Commercial and Newspaper printing plants in...

  • Samer Sabri Abdel Qader
    Director Digital & Prepress, Masar Printing & Publishing, Dubai U.A.E.

    Masar is one of the biggest modern high-tech Commercial and Newspaper printing plants in...

  • Sami Ruotsalainen
    VP Sales & Marketing, Conmio, Finland
  • Stephan Garre
    Head of Production, Rheinische Post Verlagsgesellschaft, Germany
  • Steve Nilan
    Vice President Marketing, Digital Technology International, USA
  • Stuart Wilkinson
    VP Marketing, eZ Systems, Norway
  • Thomas Jacob
    Chief Operating Officer, WAN-IFRA

    As Chief Operating Officer (COO) of WAN-IFRA, Thomas Jacob is responsible for operational...

  • Thomas Schultz-Homberg
    Head of Electronic Media, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany

    Before joining FAZ as their Head of Electronic Media, Thomas headed up the Online Business...

  • Tobias Meyerhoff
    Director Product Management Font Management Solutions, Linotype GmbH, Germany
  • Torben Lundberg
    CIO, Mecom Group, UK

    Torben Lundberg was appointed Group CIO (Chief Information Officer) in March 2012. Previous to...

  • Valérie Arnould
    Business Editor / Content Manager Digital Media events | WAN-IFRA, Germany
  • Yoshiaki Inaka
    President, Asahi Printech Co.,Ltd., Japan
  • Michael Steidl
    Managing Director, IPTC, UK

    Michael Steidl oversees the operation of the International Press Telecommunications Council (...

Media Port 2012

Die Themen der Sessions sind:

  • Tablet- und Mobile-Trends I
    Montag, 29. Oktober 2012, 10.30 Uhr
    moderiert von Kristina Bürén, WAN-IFRA
    und Carsten Szameitat, 11 Prozent Communication
  • Innovatives Anzeigengeschäft
    Montag, 29.Oktober, 14.00 Uhr
    moderiert von Ioana Sträter, WAN-IFRA
  • Digitale Innovationen
    Dienstag, 30 Oktober, 10.30 Uhr
    moderiert von Thomas Jacob, WAN-IFRA
  • Social-Media-Fallstudien
    Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2012, 14.00 Uhr
    moderiert von Cherilyn Ireton, WAN-IFRA
  • Tablet- und Mobile-Trends II
    Mittwoch, 31 Oktober, 10.30 Uhr
    moderiert von José Maria Moreno Peña, WAN-IFRA
    und Valérie Arnould, WAN-IFRA
  • Excellence in Printing
    Mittwoch, 31 Oktober, 14.00 Uhr
    moderiert von Beatrix Beckmann, WAN-IFRA

Kostenlos für Besucher, Aussteller und Teilnehmer der World Publishing Expo.


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